Renewal Food Bank Service Project
The club went out to Bellevue today to assist the Renewal Food Bank after their presentation to the club earlier in the year. We helped restock shelves, sort perishables, and shut down the operation for the week. Renewable Food Bank is only open three days a week for food pickup. The other days are spent gathering the food to distribute, networking in the community, and fulfilling administrative responsibilities. When the food bank shuts down for distribution everything needs to be stored in refrigerators or freezers, and the space cleaned so it is ready for the following week.
We assisted Renewal Food Bank in relocating/reorganizing some goods as they had representatives from The Container Store coming in to install donated shelving and bin organizers. Hopefully this new shelving will give them an opportunity to remain organized as their demand increases. They are serving more families now than they ever have, and they expect that they may outgrow their existing facilities by the end of the year.
Renewal Food Bank is in need of a refrigerated van to gather food. They are working on putting together a proposal, and we will see if there is something we can do at the district level to help them. We have previously helped through a multi-club and District grant for their existing van (you can see our club name int he picture below). Obviously, we care about this effort and we are looking for ways to continue to help them make a positive impact to those families in need.
Aimee, Tim, Jason, Morris, Garrett, and Steve all chipped in today, and a huge shout out to Victoria (our Service Chair) for making all the arrangements and herding of the cats! Here are a few photos from the day: